Developing an OGN submission to the action plan consultation

Dear colleagues,

As you know, we are now half way through the public consultation on the draft UK Open Government Action Plan 2018-20.

Thank you to the many of you who have made written submissions via email and comments directly in the Google Doc. I encourage those of you who have not done so already to provide your feedback as soon as possible!

An OGN response: I have been drafting an OGN response to the draft document that will contain more overarching points (rather than recommendations on specific draft commitments). I am currently collecting any comments or edits to the text, here:

If there are no objections to the OGN submission text, this will be submitted to the government on Weds 3 October (the day of the deadline).

Any questions, let me know.



Dear all,

Thanks to those so far who have provided feedback on the OGN response to the draft UK Open Gov Action Plan.

If you have not yet added any comments, please add these or edits to the text, here: OGN RESPONSE

If there are no objections, then this will be submitted to the government on Weds 3 October (the day of the deadline).

