Hi Simon,
Thank you for your reply.
I sent a DM to you as I do not want to share my contact details publicly.
So as I see you want to keep our conversation in the public area so let’s do it here.
“You could also do us all a real favour by putting a few links to your stuff and interests on your profile page here.”
I will try to introduce myself in short. (hope so I can be enough short)
I moved to the UK in 2008 and work as a lorry driver. I do not have any high education degree but next to my job I am continuously looking for intellectual challenges to discover the meaning of my personal life on the earth by continuously doing a kind of citizen research to discover the problems and find solutions for them.
Around 2010 I wanted to start an eBay business but I had to change my plan as I can’t manage next to my permanent job so I extended my eBay marketing study in SEO, advertising systems, affiliate systems and website design development to be able to plan the strategy and break up to action steps. The target was a parallel built bootstrapped side project to change my job. For this I need to get a minimum 2 million monthly visitors on my website which can be lost anytime when Google changes the ranking system. To avoid this I built 400 autoblog wordpress site networks with my own ad server. So each website has enough to get 400-500 visitors per month per website to achieve the accumulated 2 million unique visitors. After 1,5 year I had to close down when I already got 700K ad impressions so they just started to pay me the first payouts as I lost my job and I can’t afford the expensive dedicated server rental fee.
Few months later I started thinking what else can I do? So with this started my idea evolution based on my research results. During the years I collected a 280 Gb knowledge base in Confluence wiki and 6Gb in Onenote. The collected information from human areas as physiology, sociology, - SDI - Spiral Dynamics Integral - organisation operation methods and processes in NGO and open source projects including web technologies like web development process, cloud virtualisation and semantic web.
For the OSSAPA project (Open Source SAP Alternative) I collected more than a hundred open source projects’ functional details.
I recognised there is a big financial system problem around the NGO and Open Source projects as the present system makes them competitors of each other rather than collaborators.
This point was when I started connecting the dots from my WIKI and slowly developed my kind of system thinking as all of our problems come from the HUMAN FACTOR and this is the one main thing that is blocking the solutions to make a better world.
Democracy, UN SDG and Climate change have the same root problems.
When everything in our life goes quickly and dramatically changes the life of society by the MEGA TRENDS and we have many wicked problems we use old 19th century HUMAN methods and processes in a highly and globally integrated environment.
During the COVID lock-down I got certified as a Citizen Social Scientist in the course of Coventry University and after in another CSS course organised by Barcelona university.
Conclusion of my research.
We develop isolated and disconnected competitor projects which work with different standards, methods and processes.
There is a very big intellectual capital and potential in the TWO biggest volunteer sectors as NGO and Open Source but nobody is thinking on how we can bring them closer to each other and provide them a stable financial system.
Most of the SOCIAL ORIENTED open source projects have a very short life cycle if they can’t provide any value for the business sector that can be converted into money.
That is why my strategy is similar to AMAZON as I plan to outsource the most expensive services into a business which can help to pay the bills of the COMMUNITY PROJECT. To support this strategy during the last few years I collected many software licenses and SaaS lifetime licenses this DIGITAL TOOL ECOSYSTEM can use in the future free of charge.
I’m in the final stage as this year I’ll heavily invest in no code - low code development environment, automation and AI tools.
1/ Setup an automated sales system which does not or very minimal customer support need.
2/ Plan and prioritise the future steps to open up alternative revenue funnels.
3/ Related to the long term target break up into sub-projects and prioritize them into LEGO / Puzzle blocks
4/ Next year based on the realised revenue streams start the development of the LEGO / Puzzle blocks.
Next year’s development plan is a kind of method and process repository for organisation and business architects as well as enterprise architects.
We have to use technology to teach HUMAN how to use the tech tools.
This system can be used in policy planning and optimisation aslo.
“You’ve got some graphics skills right? We will need to redraw a couple of those pics above.”
I have more design (AI) tools but my creative skill is a bit limited as I can’t provide professional service with. Most of the pictures come from my knowledge base collection.
“Anything you want to throw in here about identity in the R&E space would be welcome, especially if it enables a newbie to “get it” (federated ID & services) by pushing a few buttons.”
Well I use a password manager as I have around 500+ logins saved in. This helps me use multiple browsers and do not risk saving directly in the browser.
I have a lifetime license No-Code mobile app development tool, SMS (text) service and digital identification service which can send encrypted links and do face and fingerprint authentication for mobile devices which can be used in two factor authentication.
More and more web services use MAGIC LINKS and I hate them.
You get an email with a login link. So you have to go into your email inbox, find the email in your busy spammed inbox and link them which opens up a new tab or a new browser window if you use different as your default browser.
A bit better if you get a push notification or a text message with the authentication code which hopefully will be 6 or 8 digit long to make it hard to memorise when you open up the app login page.
It is a complicated nightmare.
Our programming tools will be changed dramatically.