Open Data Manchester has finally published its first strategy after 13 years. It has taken along time to work out who we are and what we really do. So in a way the strategy is a snapshot of who we are today, where we are going and how we are hoping to get there. If interested in developing ideas, get in touch and please share.
This line made me smile: ’ It is the first proper strategy we have created and like all documents of its type will be out of date as soon as it is published.’
As strategy documents go, this is one of the better ones I have read - there is so much in there that will endure, I am sure! Loved the clarity with regards to what you are about, the six challenges (listed below) and how you will work to overcome them.
Well worth a read.
Best wishes,
People don’t trust facts and evidence;
Increasing reliance on technology is exacerbating existing inequalities;
Data is being used in ways that adversely affect people;
The way data is used isn’t widely understood by people in local communities;
People have lost confidence in democratic systems;
Decisions are made and systems developed without taking into account lived experience.
I agree with your six points but there are some more what we have to addressing related to human factors.
Please take a look at for suggestion from a startup citizen social science project.
If we look at our wicked problems with holistic approach to zoom out than we will see the root of the problem in the system.
The scope of the Humanner project exactly same as targeted the Open Government Pioneers Project but in harmony with the information technology solution for WEB 4.0. to deliver the complete technological solution for the NESTA Collective Intelligence for democracy.
Our social IT project is an integration of three projects.
Humanner’s Story for the tech in blog style:
The novel disruptive development environment for rapid change without coding as programing language independent.
Adopt Knowledge Graph into collaborative social network (see the video)