Embedding co-production

Here is my a bit big of challenge or provocation can serve as a catalyst to reignite discussion and engagement.

Draft sample Concept of the solution:
Unite the kind of Citizens UK and Open Government Network local and national with support of the modern technologies to bridge the offline and the online world in the following topics of Embedding co-production, citizen development, social innovation with open source and transparency into our society.
Challenge or provocation:
Particularly around topics like bring back Hungary into the OGP network with your OGN UK community of collective help a new and already after a year grown to BIG bottom up democratic political movement in Hungary. Around two thousands small local teams nationalwide The Tisza Sziget (Tisza islands moovement) of Tisza political party. ( Tisza is a river in hungary )

Hungary withdraws in 2016 by the present kleptomaniac Orban government after the OGP report.

I startted this forum topic nearly two years ago with a big hope will be production ready the solution when comes the time and needs are recognised.

Well the time is here!
The Hungarian people waked up from 15 years of hopeless letargy and hand in hand gives power to a new political movement to build a real chance to change the resim.

But they don’t know how to work effectively together.
We need this as soon as possible as need to be ready for the Marc of 2026 national election.

Now about the WHY needs help HUNGARY:

As you well know your focus area is not so widely introduced in our society and all bottom up communities use different methods and frameworks.
Hungary is facing a crucial period and society is preparing to come together in a unique way to take control of its future,
something it has never done before because it could not learn how to cooperate with others for the common good under communism.
After the system change there was only twenty years to learn freedom but many social and economical problems diverted the people’s focus on survival.

2010 and the FIDESZ brings a new period for Hungarian society.
They are step by step legally abusing the possibilities of the rule of law to privatize public property for free and steal billions of EU euros to enrich a narrow circle of party elite Victor Orban’s family and friends. Also with the same slow process they change the rules of national election and get control of the state and local media and limit the civil movement’s life. Everyone can risk the job if simpatisan of the opposite party.

In Hungary there is the new Tisza Party which is growing the new political movement called Tisza Islands.
Each Tisza Island can have only 50 local members and there are more than thousands Tisza Island established nationwide already.
These local communities need a process to work together with self organisation and self improvement for their common targets. They have to teach each other to learn the civic lifestyle in a new democracy.

Let’s come together and help each other for the common good.
