Hi all
Hope you are well.
A date has been agreed for the first Climate Change / Natural Resources (Open Environment) workshop. It will take place on July 1st at 2 pm.
Workshops bring together civil society and civil servants to co-create commitments for the next (fifth) National Action Plan for Open Government. You can see the last (current) National Action Plan here.
National Action Plans or NAPs must be completed every two years by countries who are members of the Open Government Partnership. This is a global movement of 78 countries and 76 local governments, all of whom have signed a declaration to make governments more accountable, transparent and participatory. Basically the NAP turns the principles of open government into measurable action. They are independently assessed too.
Whilst Natural Resource Transparency was a commitment in the last NAP the broader theme of Climate Change opens up opportunities for a much broader discussion. You can see what other countries are doing in this area here.
Below is a list of civil society attendees subscribed so far as there may be others you wish to invite. The success of the NAP process is intrinsically linked to the quality and diversity of involvement from civil society. Please look for gaps and encourage your networks to get involved by sharing this form: https://forms.gle/jerGjJnbK2PzqSpD6 You can also retweet this tweet and look out for more as we approach July 1st.
Finally, thank you again for being involved in this! Open government matters more than ever.
See you on July 1st at 2 pm.
Best wishes,
Sam Smith | Medconfidential |
Anna Powell-Smith | Centre for Public Data |
Daniel Jones | Uplift |
Joe Williams | Natural Resource Governance Institute |
Tim Davies | Practical Participation |
Justyna Herbut | UK EITI Civil Society Network (CSN) |
Julian Tait | Open Data Manchester CIC |
Alex Stobart | Mydex CIC |
Susannah Fitzgerald | UK Anti-Corruption Coalition |
Arpana Verma | University of Manchester |
Julian Tait | Open Data Manchester CIC |
Paul Frainer | Greater Cambridge Planning |
Miles Litvinoff | Publish What You Pay UK |
Michael Solomon | Responsible 100 |
Andrew Newman | Defra |
David McBurney | NI Open Government Network |
Sue Chadwick | ODI |
Diana Szasz | Open Data Institute |
Timothy Hill | Open Data Institute |
Kevin Keith | UK Open Government Network |
Gavin Freeguard | UK Open Government Network |
Josh D’Addario | Open Data Institute |
Justin Moore | Independent Citizen / Development Monitor |
Tim Hughes | Involve |
Sarah Markham | SPNFT |
Jeff Geipel | Mining Shared Value |
Philip Wheeler | The Open University |
Daniel Aldridge | BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT |
David Banisar | ARTICLE 19 |
Ilaria Fevola | ARTICLE 19 |
Thomas | Freelance |
Rachel Vint | Open Data Services Coop |
Jeff Geipel | Engineers Without Borders (Mining Shared Value initaitive) |
Sophie Walker | Your Dsposal |
Ruchir Shah | UK Open Government Network |