Commitments Ideas for the 2018-20 NI Open Government Action Plan

The NI Open Government Network crowdsourced ideas for commitments for the 2018-20 Open Government National Action Plan and presented them to government officials before Easter.

Commitment ideas included:

  1. Introduce a register of lobbyists
  2. Open Ministerial diaries
  3. Ensure the open and timely publication of government research and introduce a standardised public register of all commissioned studies.
  4. Create a Citizens’ Budget
  5. Unlock and maximise the value of all NI government data linked to location.
  6. Create an Open Government Charter for Local Government Authorities
  7. Improve Record-keeping for Good Governance
  8. Map the Sustainable Development Goals against NI Programme for Government
  9. Introduce citizen centric data usage reports
  10. Formally adopt The Declaration of Parliamentary Openness
  11. Open up the Assembly so more people can contribute and increase citizen involvement in the legislative process
  12. Develop Open Government Skills across the Public Sector
  13. Improve consultation practice – Develop process and tools for more effective consultation practices.
  14. Trial deliberative citizen engagement methods
  15. Run a PB pilot with a government department and capture and share the learning across government
  16. Undertake research into options for improving environmental governance in NI, including potential for an independent environmental protection agency
  17. Ensure the integrity, usability and sustainability of government information
  18. Commit to the reintroduction of two compendia of official statistical publications – ‘A profile of older people in Northern Ireland’ and ‘Gender Equality Statistics’ annual publications.
  19. Introduce retrospective transparency on donations to NI political parties
  20. Disclose information on what decisions senior NI civil servants are legally and constitutionally allowed and expected to make in the absence of Executive Ministers
  21. Implement Civil Service Guidelines on record keeping for good governance

The ideas presented will be considered by the NI Civil Service Board.

A full list of ideas can be found here.

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Thanks Connor – looks interesting.

On 8, the Scottish Government did this recently on its National Performance Framework. You can find the summary at page 31 of the following document:


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Indeed we did, as part of Scotland’s first OGP Action Plan we had a commitment to align the new National Performance Framework with the SDGs and with Human Rights, it is so important the these are all part of a single decision making framework - so they are working in concert not in competition

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