Dear colleagues,
The UK 2019-2021 Open Government Action Plan has been published today. There are 8 commitments, plus those from the Welsh, Scottish, and NI governments/administrations.
Dear colleagues,
The UK 2019-2021 Open Government Action Plan has been published today. There are 8 commitments, plus those from the Welsh, Scottish, and NI governments/administrations.
Hi Andreas
I don’t see Northern Ireland set of 2019 commitments included at these links, and I haven’t seen them on NI government websites. Do you know if they are being published separately?
They are here but I would question if they are from the NI executive when we don’t have an executive.
My EML-L09. On O2.
Thanks Colm,don’t know how I missed that (though they’re not included at - only 2016 NI commitments are)
I’ll forward that on to the Points of Contact in UK gov.
They say the NI Commitments are being designed up on the website so they match the Welsh and Scottish formatting. Should be back up on the site soon.
Thanks Andreas
No problem
Well spotted Bob! And thank you Andreas.
My EML-L09. On O2.