URGENT: Will you sign the joint statement on protecting human rights and judicial review?

Dear Maurice,

We are coordinating a recently launched joint statement https://humanism.org.uk/wp-json/civicrm/v3/url?u=290360&qid=8186847 to oppose any attempt by the UK Government to restrict access to human rights laws, or to the law more generally through judicial review. Over 40 human rights-focused organisations and 10 leading experts have come together to support this position.

We are adding signatories, so if you would like to add your organisation please contact me at rachel@humanism.org.uk mailto:rachel@humanism.org.uk. Please share this on with your networks and on social media. The website can be accessed at https://humanrightsact.org.uk https://humanism.org.uk/wp-json/civicrm/v3/url?u=290360&qid=8186847
It is signed by organisations such as Index on Censorship, Article 19, the British Institute of Human Rights, the Children’s Rights Alliance for England, Disability Rights UK, the End Violence Against Women Coalition, English and Scottish PEN, the Equality Trust, Equally Ours, the Howard League for Penal Reform, the National Aids Trust, the Prison Reform Trust, the Race Equality Foundation, Race on the Agenda, RNIB, the Rainbow Project, Reporters without Borders, René Cassin, the Women’s Budget Group, the UK Lesbian & Gay Immigration Group, and Unlock Democracy.

With such strong support from the human rights and equality sectors, we are confident that we can ensure that human rights and justice remain accessible to all.

Yours sincerely,

Rachel Taggart-Ryan
Campaigns Officer, Humanists UK
39 Moreland Street, London EC1V 8BB | 07951 176 245
humanists.uk https://humanism.org.uk/wp-json/civicrm/v3/url?u=290321&qid=8186847 | facebook.com/HumanistsUK https://humanism.org.uk/wp-json/civicrm/v3/url?u=290322&qid=8186847 | twitter.com/Humanists_UK https://humanism.org.uk/wp-json/civicrm/v3/url?u=290323&qid=8186847

Humanists UK is a registered charity in England and Wales (no. 285987). You can support our work for a tolerant world where reason and kindness prevail by becoming a member https://humanism.org.uk/wp-json/civicrm/v3/url?u=290324&qid=8186847 or donating https://humanism.org.uk/wp-json/civicrm/v3/url?u=290325&qid=8186847 today. Thank you.

Dear all,

We’ve signed this joint statement opposing any attempt by the government to restrict human rights laws or judicial review.

If your organisation is interested in signing please contact Rachel at Humanists UK campaigns@humanism.org.uk mailto:campaigns@humanism.org.uk

Best wishes


Katherine Gundersen
Campaign for Freedom of Information
Free Word Centre, 60 Farringdon Road, London EC1R 3GA, UK
Tel: (020) 7324 2519 | www.cfoi.org.uk http://www.cfoi.org.uk/ | http://twitter.com/CampaignFOI http://twitter.com/CampaignFOI