Minutes from meeting on 2021-05-20

Below as text*

As part of the co-creation process of the UK’s fifth National Action Plan for Open
Government (NAP5), thematic areas agreed to during the Multistakeholder Forum in March
2021 have been turned into biweekly Working Groups. These Working Groups bring together
government policy leads and civil society, and are charged with developing commitments for
inclusion in NAP5.
The first NAP5 Algorithmic Transparency Working Group was held on May 20, 2021 at 10:00
BST. The meeting was co-chaired by civil society and government.
Suggested areas produced for further discussion are as follows:
● Assessment of legal need for transparency in algorithms
● How do we document the ethical choices undertaken - how a new change of
government might change this?
● Transparency of evidence behind government decisions
● What do smart metrics look like?
● Devolved administration involvement
● Overlap with Open Contracting group - providers of AI solutions and providers of data
● DSA/what would a transferable standard look like?
● Public understanding of algorithms
Next steps:
● The second meeting of the NAP 5 Algorithmic Transparency Working Group will be
held on Thursday, June 3rd 2021 at 10:00 BST
● The second meeting is open to all government policy areas or civil society groups
with an interest in the Algorithmic Transparency space
● Attendees of the second meeting are asked to come prepared to discuss the
above listed suggestions in greater detail
For additional details or to get involved, please contact:
● Sam Roberts - Head of Open Government: sam.roberts@digital.cabinet-office.gov.uk
● Kevin Keith - Chair, Open Government Network: kevjkeith@gmail.com

  • as text as “new users can’t upload files”:
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@DoreenGrove what’s the Scottish action plan conversation on algorithms, AI and transparency been, and are their synergies here?

Very active- happy to chat you through it. It has ethics and transparency at its core

Hi @DoreenGrove, anything you could post here from Scotland experience. It’s more for the group.

Scotland’s AI Strategy - Scotland’s AI Strategy (scotlandaistrategy.com)
start with the Strategy - but Scottish colleagues are also getting involved in OGPs roundtables on the ethical use of AI

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This is really excellent Doreen. I shared this report with the participants of the previous algorithmic transparency working group for the action plan. No need to reinvent the wheel!