
Is there going to be any public consultation on geo engineering, cloud seeding, weather modification and related chemtrails? This impacts everybody, yet there is no comment from govt

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This is a very relevant question Topics like geoengineering, cloud seeding and weather modification have broad environmental impacts, so public consultations would be crucial for transparency and addressing public concerns. While these technologies have potential benefits, they also carry risks that affect ecosystems, weather patterns and public health. A structured, government-led consultation could help gather diverse perspectives, provide research-backed insights and ensure informed decision-making on these complex issues.


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Thanks Maria
Priority must be to get to Net Zero. Real risk of geoengineering etc distracting from getting on with getting emissions down and fossil fuel interests will push this as alternative to Net Zero. However agree geoengineering etc could have potential and may make difat the margin.

Martin Hughes
Trem Siriol, 29 Heol y Bryn, Harlech, Gwynedd LL46 2TU
Tel: 01766 780540 / 0778 711 2649

As far as I am aware, this it the government’s position on geo engineering updated on 4th May 2020:

I am not aware of any government policy relating to the implementation of geo engineering or climate engineering techniques.

This is from the Met Office: Atmospheric modification and geoengineering - Met Office

It includes the statement that ‘any suggestion the Met Office is involved in atmospheric modification such as cloud seeding’ is misinformation.

I have removed several comments in this post as they go against this discussion forum being a ‘safe place for discussion.’

Many thanks


‘safe place’ = censorship. You have no right to selectively censor discussions on geoenginerring. That is bias. It is overreach on your part.

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Is this an ‘open’ discussion group or is this an ‘echo chamber’ where only posts and comments that you like are allowed? Where do we complain to about your bureaucratic over reach?
This us not ‘open’ government

First heard of this in the 1980’s. Doubt its anything more than a lab based thing. The problems then are still the problems now. Basically you need rain bearing cloud in place to start off with. other aspects of micro climates will scupper anything more elaborate. Over egging this is then a distraction with the cause of disrupted climate patterns world wide a result of heating of vast bodies of water and melting of ice caps.

Not lab based. University of Manchester, Aberystwyth and others are involved. Capel Dewi in Wales - a mini HAARP project. There are others near Portsmouth.

To whoever this may concern.
What Mum123 makes reference to is absolutely very relevant and i too would like to know why there has been no public consultation on this solar radiation modification to mitigate increasing temperatures.
If its not occurring then please explain this video uploaded to Rumble.
#LEEDS - #WeatherWarfare.
I too,look forward to someone explaining why on a blue sky sunny day,i have watched, photographed multiple planes flying directly into the path of the sun,then watched as the trails expand across the skyline,then gradually seen these trails join together and render the blue sky into a silvery hue,almost blocking out the sun completely.

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