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Civil Society Steering Committee
2020 Call for Nominations
Are you a civil society leader committed to strengthening how governments work for their citizens? Join the OGP Steering Committee!
Nominations for the 2020 rotation to fill three civil society seats as of October are now open. For further details, please also consult the OGP website.
The Open Government Partnership is made up of thousands of reformers inside and outside of government who believe in more open and responsive democracies that put citizens first. OGP has grown into a mature partnership, with 78 national members, a growing number of local governments and thousands of civil society participants. Together they have co-created over 4000 open government reforms, of which a significant proportion have shown major impact. There is great strength in these numbers, and OGP is proud to be at the heart of a growing open government movement. But now more than ever, we need champions who can deepen democracy and openness, and who can help protect and promote civic space.
We are opening the call for nominations for three civil society seats on the OGP Steering Committee. The rotation process aims to be a transparent one that seeks to attract capable candidates from a diversity of regions and backgrounds, with the goal of establishing a balanced team of 11 civil society Steering Committee members who provide strategic and effective leadership to OGP.
OGP’s Civil Society Steering Committee creates a space for renowned civil society leaders to steer this global open government agenda, in partnership with their government counterparts. As a civil society Steering Committee member, you will be able to help shape OGP as a mechanism for the global civil society community. You will also be called on to attend and speak at high-level events, and will have the opportunity to open new doors for your organisation, your country and your region.
Nominations are submitted by filling out a nomination form, starting 2. March 2020. The form will be available until 23. March 2020.
Next steps
The selection of these new members takes place through a transparent and participatory process that invites inputs from OGP’s civil society community and creates opportunities for engagement at each step. The specific steps of that process are outlined below:
March 2 – March 23 Call for nominations & Selection Committee volunteers
March 25 – April 10 Public comments
April 20 – April 30 Shortlisting process
May 4 – May 28 Interviews & webinars with shortlisted candidates
June 1 – June 12 Final selection
June 15 – June 26 Endorsement of selected candidates by the OGP Steering Committee
June 22 – June 26 Accountability & Communication
What 2020 has in store
First and most practically, OGP will be looking to advance its goals through the 39 OGP participants who will be co-creating an open government plan. However OGP is very aware of the wider geopolitical context of democratic backsliding, closing civic space and the rise of authoritarian and populist politics, including in OGP member countries.
We have developed an OGP three-year implementation plan - referred to as the “3YP.” Its objective is to provide a roadmap for better implementation of OGP’s mission and vision, given both OGP’s growth and changed operating environment. It will bring clarity and focus to how OGP delivers on its strategy, including the universal services that all civil society and government participants in OGP will continue to receive, and focus areas where additional time, energy and resources will be allocated. It includes a 2020 annual implementation plan, nested within a three-year planning horizon. This will enable near-term decisions that prepare for medium-term Collective Results, and will help the partnership work together more effectively towards those results. These Collective Results can only be achieved by the collaborative actions of reformers in government, civil society and strategic partners, with the Support Unit and Independent Reporting Mechanism playing a vital, complementary facilitating and supporting role, which the 3YP elaborates.
The Steering Committee will be asked to help support delivery of the 3YP. Key areas of focus for 2020 will include the implementation of OGP Local, the next phase of the IRM Refresh, and thematic focus areas like anti-corruption, justice, citizens shaping public services, and digital governance.