Call for evidence: HoL Democracy and Digital Tech Select Committee enquiry

The House of Lords Committee on Democracy and Digital Technologies has put out a call for evidence “on the impact of digital technologies on political campaigning, the electoral process, our understanding of the truth and public’s wider engagement with politics and political debate.”

The Committee has decided to focus on the issue of how representative democracy can be supported, rather than undermined, in a digital world. It will primarily look across six key areas: transparency in political campaigns; privacy and anonymity; misinformation; the effects of digital technologies on public discourse; how technology can facilitate democracy and the development of effective digital literacy.

Call for evidence:

The deadline for written evidence is 20 September 2019

Hi everyone,

We at ERS are considering submitting evidence to this inquiry on some specific areas. We were wondering if anyone else was looking at this and might be interested in collaborating?

If so drop me a line at
