Tapvote.org - Want to run a local participation pilot?

Hi folks,

We’re looking for local communities large or small who want to run a community participation/voting pilot.

We’ve developed this: Tapvote.org - a new local voting platform that enables any resident in the UK to vote for the specific things they want to see in their community.

We also provide a service for councils to assign participatory budgets through it. - there’s a quick overview of our PB services here

If you know of a community that’s looking for a digital platform to prove support for local needs, or run a local PB pilot please get in touch (can be with or without budget as long as there’s community) - just drop me a line at harry (at) tapvote (dot) org

Also, feel free to nose around - always good to hear thoughts, feel free to post feedback or ideas here on OGN.

