Scotgov FOI draft action plan - what do you think?

Hi opengovscot members. There’s a new FOI draft action plan thats just been sent by Scotgov to the FOI Commissioner in Scotland:

I haven’t analysed it yet - but wanted to share and ask for your reactions here.
From an initial look at the press release, it looks like they are focusing on speeding up the IT system. But a closer look at the draft suggests that much of the criticism around minute taking and interference from advisors will be addressed by procedures, guidance and training.

In the draft it proposes:

“A new FOI Unit receiving process will undertake an
initial triage assessment to identify sensitive or
exceptionally complex cases. This process will be
subject to confirmation via case handling procedures
to enable Ministers or SPADs to engage early to
identify sensitive cases requiring comment.”

Is this enough? Will it address the concerns?