Fwd: [ogp] INVITATION: Justice For All: Justice and the OGP Webinar - Wednesday 6 June 2016 9:00 AM EDT

Dear all,Please join the Global Legal Empowerment Network
https://namati.org/network/ and the Open Government Partnership
https://www.opengovpartnership.org/ for a webinar on Wednesday, June 6th,
2018 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM EDT to discuss how legal empowerment approaches can
foster positive dialogues between government and civil society, and support
activists working in closing civic spaces. Please feel free to share with
your relevant networks, and register here
------------------------------Justice For All
https://www.justiceforall2030.org/: Justice and the OGP

------------------------------Wednesday, June 6th, 2018 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
EDT------------------------------Date: Wednesday, June 6th, 2018Time: [GMT
-04:00] (9 am Washington DC; 1 pm Freetown; 3 pm Amsterdam; 4 pm Nairobi;
630 pm Delhi; 8 pm Bangkok)Forum: Online webinar - details sent upon
registrationRegistration: sign up for free here
https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/5505564073998263042Join us on
June 6th to discuss how legal empowerment approaches can foster positive
dialogues between government and civil society, and support activists
working in closing civic spaces. Participants will be provided with
practical advice on how to formulate a justice commitment that will help
advance your work and learn more about the upcoming OGP Summit. Panelists
and participants will be asked to provide ideas for how the Justice For All
campaign can support better collaboration to advance justice for all.Access
to justice and legal empowerment are important tools to advance
transparency, accountability and citizen participation—essential goals of
the Open Government Partnership (OGP). The OGP process, in turn, can help
to strengthen access to justice by developing shared commitments to make
justice institutions more open, accountable and responsive to all people.A
review of OGP national commitments shows that OGP National Action Plans
(NAPs) are increasingly being used to advance judicial transparency, open
justice data and combat violence against women. By 2017, more than 10% of
all NAP commitments were related to justice, but there is still much more
that can be done.This year, 76 new OGP National Action Plans will be
co-created by government and civil society. the biggest cohort of new APs
since OGP was founded in 2011. The hundreds of new commitments will be a
testimony of the strength of the open government movement across the world.
The Justice For All campaign is supporting civil society to use these new
OGP NAPs to increase financing and protections for justice defenders.This
webinar comes in advance of the OGP Summit taking place in July 17-19th,
you can see more information and apply to attend here
webinar will be moderated by Coco Lammers, Campaigns and Advocacy Officer
for the Global Legal Empowerment Network.Presenters:Joe Powell, Deputy
Chief Executive Officer, Open Government Partnership
Chapman, Senior Policy Officer, Open Society Justice Initiative
Elena, OGP Point of Contact, Government of ArgentinaMarlon Manuel, Senior
Advisor, Global Legal Empowerment Network
https://namati.org/network/------------------------------Register here