Fwd: [ogp] Call for research proposals: Feminist Open Government Initiative

also FYI

Allison Merchant amerchant@r4d.org
Fri, 9 Nov 2018 at 16:13
[ogp] Call for research proposals: Feminist Open Government Initiative
OGP Civil Society community ogp@dgroups.org

Dear colleagues,

We are delighted to announce the launch of a call for research proposals from the Feminist Open Government Initiative. The call seeks to fund research that fills evidence gaps around effective and ambitious gender-focused action plan commitments, how women and women’s organizations can successfully engage in action plan co-creation processes, and the impact of applying a gender lens to broader transparency and accountability commitments. We welcome action-oriented research proposals from a broad range of thematic and methodological perspectives.

The Call for Proposals is available here: https://feministopengov.fluidreview.com/. Please help us share this opportunity by forwarding this message to women’s and gender networks, research institutions, and open government partners. The application deadline is November 30, 2018.

For more information about the Feminist Open Government Initiative, an initiative of the Open Government Partnership, Results for Development, and the International Development Research Centre and the Government of Canada, please visit the Feminist Open Government Initiative website:

Thank you,

Allison Merchant & the Feminist Open Government team