Invitation to 'Democracy 2043'

Notes/quotes on Louise Crow’s presentation,

*I want a rich democracy ,something that people feel a part of (as opposed to) something that’s done to them. *

UK has a more central political system than anywhere else in Europe.
I’m a technologist. I’m particularly in ‘’ How we make decisions together about what we want our online spaces will look like".

We needs a universal broad Civic education. We are not good at teaching people how to participate in our democracy.
How to vote, etc etc…
*TRUST, Representative or participatory? *

*We need less debate. One side right, one side wrong. Winner takes all. *
We need more deliberation. Recognising the things we can all agree on. Solving common problems.
Again, as a technologist, we should be using digital tools to support all of this.
How do we live together?